Hidden Secrets:
Leona Palmer Haag
Writing Stuff:
- I've been a writer since grade school
- Back then there were no computers
- And no dictionaries
- Just kidding
- I stole the family dictionary, so for the rest of the household, that was basically true
- Have you ever met a kid who reads the dictionary for fun? Me neither, but I did it anyway
- No, I don't have a huge vocabulary
- When I met a thesaurus for the 1st time it was love at first sight
- Same with my husband
- My first typewriter was electric. It was a hand-me-down after my mom bought a word processor. Remember those? Me neither
- My first computer was intended to help my kids graduate from Jr. High
- I controlled it and its black screen with orange print
- They still graduated from Jr. High
- Paper threaded through the printer in one continuous sheet with perforations where you could separate them
- I've written more novels than I can count on my fingers, less than counting on my fingers and toes
- One was written after someone said something annoying in my presence
- Yes, say whatever you want around me. It might spur me on, but not with a FB post.
- I have 1 article published and 2 short stories published
- I still dream of "being published," despite being published
True or False: (you figure these out if you can)
- I never cuss in my novels
- I stay up all night writing
- I'm a fearless editor
- My husband loves it when he finds me at the computer
- My kids are starving to death
- My kids have learned to cook
- My kids eat out all the time
- Most days I need to stop writing and do something else
- I write only about what I currently know
- I research stuff
- I never research anything but preferred names for characters
- I've been to all the places my characters visit, and then some
- I drag my husband to places I want to write about
- I write on vacations, preferably poolside
- I eat chips and chocolate and drink Dr. Pepper while writing
- I write on the back of my hubby's motorcycle
- All of the above are true.
- Most of the above are true
- None of the above are true
- I have no clue what's truth, therefore, I write fiction
- You can always trust a writer to steal your funny lines
- And snatch your funny experiences
- And twist them around to make them better
- And never give you credit
- But you will know, and you can brag
People to thank:
- My husband for being patient and nice while I write, edit and scheme
- My husband and his sister for sending a cake swimming in a sink
- My daughter for being sassy
- My Grands for acting their ages and helping me remember
- My friends for encouraging me to write
- My writing class for blasting the ever-living-daylights out of many chapters that really did need more work
- My writing class who praised and encouraged me
- A writing friend who confided she was laughed at in her writing group for her plot revolving around an insurance agent that made me so mad I decided to create an insurance agent character of my own
- My Computer savvy son who saved the computer and my sanity many times
- My husband who has listened to every plot and contradicted a few, which improved things
- My niece who has smiled and listened, although bored, I'm sure
- My daughter-in-laws for graciously putting up with my books
- Everyone who has had to wait for me to finish writing before I'll fix dinner
- Everyone who has taught me how to write better
- Everyone who has helped me see and express things better
- Agents and publishers who sent polite rejections
Things to thank:
- My computer for not crashing at key moments
- Me, for not killing my computer when it crashed at other key moments
- Wal-Mart for having the cheapest printer paper and ink cartridges
- Spell check. Delete Key. Backspace key.
- Word for inventing copy/past and highlight/delete
Personal stuff:
- I love pizza
- I have a science degree
- I love driving my car
- I love hyperbole
- I'm addicted to flowers
- My favorite color is green
- Greatest Wish: I could catch every mistake before I posted or published and correct it
* Answers to true and false--but not in this order:
- Always
- Never
- Sometimes
- Maybe
- Can't remember
- Won't tell
- Possibly
- Unsure
- Yes
- No
- Ummm
- etc.
~~ Leona
Come back for more of my running and writing...

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