Saturday, November 16, 2013

My Novel: Chapter 62

Chapter 62

How to write a novel: Start and end, making sure there's good stuff in the middle. Do it wrong and it's like faulty wiring--it won't work. 

I hope you've liked my wiring job so far...

Secrets at Midnight
Leona Palmer Haag
Chapter 62

Wanting to shift Katie’s weight and lower the gun, Jenn tried to understand the bickering and accusations while maintaining her control. It gave her a pounding headache. “Stop right there,” she said when Matt reached for his laptop.

“Jenn, just point that thing at Kevin's head while I pull up a few things for Natalie,” he said.

It sounded logical. She raised her arm a few inches, but knew if she had to fire, she'd only hit his belt buckle. “I need a chair,” she said to Nick.

Her husband pushed one behind her and scooted a table closer so she could prop her elbow on it. He motioned to Kevin. “Sit down. My wife is tired and if she's going to blow you away, she'd like to be comfortable during the process.”

Kevin sat—very reluctantly—and Jenn nodded toward Mueller. “You too.”

He sat.

Nick motioned for the men to move farther apart and they accommodated him.

Jenn focused on Curtis and Mueller a dozen feet away with a dead man between her and them. Matt and Natalie ignored her as they argued over something on the computer. Nick leaned close and said, “You okay, baby? Need anything?”

She whimpered, “A new life. What am I doing here, anyway?”

“Holding everyone hostage. It's intriguing. I've never seen a woman exert so much control over a bunch of muscle men. You've kept this talent hidden.”

“Do I have control? Look around. Matt is playing computer games with Natalie, Mueller is pretending he’s taking a nap, and Kevin is scheming how he’ll disarm you—or possibly kill me. And there's a....” She nodded in Adams direction.

“That’s not a pretty sight. I’ll take care of it.” He nodded at Kevin. “Curtis, get that man out of here. Put him in the hanger.”

Curtis slowly rose, lifting his hands in surrender to Nick’s gun.

Nick nodded at Mueller. “There's a mop and bucket in the custodian's closet. Take care of things to my wife’s satisfaction.”

Mueller’s eyes had popped opened when Kevin stood. He glanced at Jenn. “Do you mind?”


Nick called to Matt, “I'll guard Curtis, you watch Mueller.”

Matt jumped up and grabbed his gun and nodded at Mueller to proceed.

Natalie smiled and turned to face the group. She crossed her long legs and acted like she was at tea with interesting friends.

“Jenn, keep your eye on Natalie,” Nick said. “I've always trusted her, but shoot her if you want. You know better than the rest of us what she thinks of me, and since I haven’t heard her say anything flattering to you, it's entirely your call. I won’t miss her if you kill her.” As he followed Curtis he added. “Watch out—she’ll try to escape. I’m trusting you to not let her.”

Natalie shot Nick an annoyed look, then leaned back in her chair. She carefully studied Jenn. “Mind if I sip some water, Mrs. Washington?”

“Yes. When Nick is back you may resume…” Natalie slowly blinked at her as if bored. “…resume breathing.”

Natalie’s perfect eyebrows arched. “Thank you, Mrs. Washington—for being so generous with water and air.”

Jenn felt stupid. She’d never threatened anyone in her life until recently—and to begin such a lifestyle with a gun—it terrified her. Would she pull the trigger if the gorgeous redhead moved? And she’d never intimidated anyone before—and to begin with something as basic as oxygen? She swore she’d never do it again. She was tempted to back off, but wasn’t sure how to proceed and remain alive when the woman obviously wasn’t concerned about killing someone.

Minutes ticked by as Natalie stared back with a calm, deadly gaze. Jenn knew if she could pop her head open she’d hear a thousand unflattering words about herself. She slowly raised the gun. Natalie’s cheeks twitched and an amused smile escaped. “Yes, everything is stupid, but I have the gun,” Jenn whispered as if she’d read her mind.

Natalie’s face smoothed again, turning blank. “Nick is so…” She shrugged, saying nothing more.

Curiosity burned through Jenn. If Nick were having an affair with the captured fireball, she could pull the trigger without regret. As if reading her thoughts Natalie said, “He’s a good man.”

Jenn’s gun hand shook. Flattery, no matter how hard it had seemed for Natalie to dispense, could not convince her to lower the weapon. “Silence, please. Pretend you’re in time-out.”

Natalie smiled. “Yes, Miss Jenn.” Her lips closed along with her eyes. When she opened her eyes again she appeared to be calculating what she’d do first when time-out ended. Knowing Natalie was a killer—she wondered if she and Katie would survive her scheme.

Matt and Mueller returned, along with Nick and Kevin. Each took their places as if commanded. Jenn felt stupid—she had a gun, but no answers. The day suddenly felt eternally long. The smells of blood mingled with bad cologne and cleaning detergent curdled her stomach. The gun became a hot branding iron in her palm—scorching with guilt. It fell from her grasp. She grabbed her stomach and lurched to her feet. Natalie’s eyes darted to the abandoned weapon as Jenn spun away and raced for the little sink.

When she turned back wiping her mouth, everything had changed. Mueller had his hands in the air, but his feet inched toward the exit. Curtis crouched, ready to spring at Nick’s throat, as lethal as a hunting lion. Natalie’s hand poised motionlessly over Jenn’s gun while Matt held her fingers aloft with the barrel of his weapon creasing her brow. “Back off,” Matt hissed. Natalie’s fingers quivered, but didn’t withdraw.
  Jenn grabbed her diaper bag and purse, clasped Katie tighter and raced from the break room. The door whooshed shut behind her, trapping the scene inside.

End Chapter 62

Many chapters ago I mentioned this novel has 65 chapters. We're close to the end. I hope you're enjoying it.   

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