Thursday, November 14, 2013

My Novel: Chapter 50

~~ 50 ~~

Writing is addicting. I really should be doing something else right now, like painting my great room walls. But, I'm dying to find out what's going to happen next! (Just kidding, I already know.)

Secrets at Midnight
Leona Palmer Haag
Chapter 50

Curling up in bed, Jenn scolded herself for emerging once more in her towel in front of Matt—and nearly losing it. He probably considered her a tramp, but her whole life she’d dodged her mother’s lifestyle by a million miles. She recalled how shortly after marrying Nick she'd overheard two women at work. One, describing a neighbor, had said she had been married three times—the tramp!

Embarrassed, she’d fled the scene. She’d never gone back—changed jobs instead. Three marriages made no one a tramp. Her mind and heart defined her—not dreams shattered by men. She hoped Matt knew that about her.

As kids, he had been included in many conversations she and Shawn had about their mother. Did he remember they’d sworn they’d go to any length to rise above what she had given them? Many times Shawn had said, “Matt, I want to be married like your mom and dad. We'll live in a double-wide, never get divorced, and my kids will always have a dad.” Shawn hadn’t accomplished it the first time around, and she’d fared worse—until Nick.

Nick fulfilled Jenn’s dreams. He overlooked her miserable past to build their future. Katie, their miraculous addition, convinced her more than ever to be the kind of mother every kid ought to have, not a waitress who entertained men for bigger tips. Many times Shawn and Matt had been her caretaker while their mother disappeared with a customer for days. Jenn hadn’t adopted the heritage thrust at her. Nick sold life insurance and provided everything she wanted—stability.  

As she dozed off, Jenn realized Nick might not sell insurance. They’d discuss it. If he didn’t like insurance he could find a new job, something that didn't involve travel. They’d move to Alabama and live close to Shawn—leaving Matt and Granny Monica behind.

“Jenn, wake up.”

The voice asked the impossible.

“Where’s your gun?” Matt shook her shoulder. “Don't shoot me. Just tell me where your gun is.”

She vaguely remembered he'd given it back to her, but where she’d placed it remained submerged in sleep.

“We're not alone.”

Jenn bolted upright. Matt shoved her down. “Where. Is. Your gun?” he hissed.

“On top of the armoire,” she whispered.

“Get up. Get dressed. Get your gun and....” He pressed a finger to his lips. “Don't make any noise. Someone is listening.”

She grabbed his arm and pressed her lips to his ear. “If you leave me alone for even one second, I swear I’ll shoot you!”

He pressed his finger against her lips. “Shh. Hurry.”

He turned his back and walked to the window. She grabbed her jeans and whispered, “Don’t turn around—I’m getting dressed.” When finished, she sat on the end of the bed shivering with fright. “I’m ready.”

He joined her, standing over Katie, watching her sleep. After what seemed like an eternity of shivering in the dark, which according to the bedside clock only lasted thirteen minutes, he shifted his weight. “Get in bed and get some sleep, but keep your shoes on. We're alone again.”

“How can you be sure?”

“I can't.” He crossed the room, fetched her gun and returned. “Keep this on you, and don’t kill me.” He turned and left the room before she could respond.

Jenn’s breath slowly escaped. She slid out of bed and placed the gun atop the armoire and returned to bed. She could do nothing but quake with fear—which she accomplished until sleep conquered. Moments later a hand touched her shoulder, launching her into reality. “It’s time to get up,” Matt whispered close to her ear. Sometime during the few hours she’d slept he’d pulled a chair to her bedside and propped his feet up. He lowered them and stood. “Pack Katie’s diaper bag with everything you’ll need for a couple days. Leave everything else behind.”

“But it’s all brand new—never worn. It’s all we have.”

“Someone from the office will retrieve it, but if you really want it, wear it.” He left the room, shutting the door behind him.

Everything she’d bought she wanted—and it wouldn’t smash into a diaper bag. She sorted carefully, choosing items for Katie and bare essentials to look nice when reunited with Nick—if that day ever arrived. Her gun and ammunition fit in an outside pocket, weighing it down.

Using the computer, Matt waited in the sitting room. “Who are you talking to?” she asked, sitting on the end of the sofa and peering over his shoulder.

He didn’t look up. “Curtis. Ready to go?”

“No, but that hasn’t changed since this fiasco began. Are you sending him back to my house for more snooping?”

A smile tugged on his lips. “I could. A wild goose chase might entertain him.”

“It bores me. Can we quit this game?”

He didn’t answer—which said everything. Minutes ticked away. “What about Katie? Should I wake her up—or should I crawl back into bed wearing shoes? What are the exact rules to your hurry-up-and-wait game?”

“Get her up.”

She rose and stretched. “Any sane person wouldn’t listen to you—would change the rules—would change the game. I should play with someone else.”

End Chapter 50

There are tons of things to do, so thanks for spending a few minutes here. I hope you're enjoying my novel Secrets at Midnight.     ~~ Leona

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